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Curar com o Coração Rosangela Missawa

The Meaning of Healing and Healing with the Heart

“Quem pôs sabedoria no intelecto?  Ou quem deu entendimento ao coração?” LIVRO DE JÓ (38:36) 
Shortly before his death, Socrates remembered a debt that, according to him, he had contracted with the Greek god of medicine who had cared for him all his life. Referring to the Greek tradition of rewarding the god Asclepius for his attention, Socrates said: "I owe Asclepius a cock." He was observing the Greek custom of honoring the Asclepian restorative approach to medicine, the old version of modern biomechanical medicine that saved my life. Western medicine continues to evolve as the most powerful and efficient system ever designed to deal with trauma and illness, but it generally fails to be as efficient as the approach to well-being developed by Hígia, daughter of Asclepius, which is more oriented by the heart . Hygienic medicine recognizes that the body has its own natural wisdom, an intuitive integrative capacity that depends little on our thinking and acts at all times in our life, even when we sleep. It recognizes the subtle energy-informational intelligence field that is our body and the natural oscillation between health and disease as essential parts of the same continuum of life. Asclepian medicine works on us in order to restore us to health, but hygienic medicine helps healing to happen within us, by allowing the natural “V” energy of our heart to flow freely. 

This chapter deals with the preliminary attempt to apply what is known up to the moment of heart energy and cellular memories to a cardioenergetic model for the act of healing. The heart healing process begins with ten questions and answers. The responses of the Asclepian brain and the hygienic heart to these questions exemplify their different approaches. 

  1. O What does it mean to heal?
    The Brain: Healing is the biomechanical modification of organic systems through direct attempts to adjust, correct and restore a mechanical system to its version of “normal” functioning. Modern Asclepian medicine is the most efficient system for restoring the body in all history. The Heart: To heal is to make healthy, to unite again, to recover molecular memories that stimulate the recovery of health; is to be aware of the risks to our well-being, to avoid imbalance with the energy of all the systems that surround us. The psychiatrist David Benor made a detailed study of the healing initiatives and his definition of the cure fits the cardioenergetic definition. He understands healing as the intentional influence of one or more people on an organism without the use of known means of physical intervention. For the cardioenergetic healing process, "influence" means to focus on the wisdom and energy that emanate subtly from the heart and not just manipulations and techniques invented by the brain. Healing with the heart is not "trying to heal" but allowing the heart's natural healing energy and all the healing memories that have already occurred to resonate within the person; it is to remain serene and silent and "thoughtless" enough to allow the heart to establish coherence with other hearts in the form of a prayer of solidarity that transcends the limits of words. 
  2. Why heal?
    The Brain: We heal to enable people to continue, do more, have more, live longer and get the most out of their individual lives. Heart: We heal in order to be healthy with the systems around us and to be able to take care to heal and protect these systems, which include people, plants, animals and places. 
  3. Who needs healing?                                                                                                                           The Brain: Diseased or “fragmented” biosystems need repair because they are out of order. Whoever is not “healthy” and “normal” according to bioscience needs its intervention. The Heart: Everyone and everything everywhere is in permanent need of healing, as healing is the process of keeping the healthy energy connection flowing within all systems. It is systems, not individuals, that get sick. Health and illness are not opposite ends of a continuum. We are all permanently healthy and sick at the same time, because we are chaotic energy systems in the process of self-correction. Stability does not mean never changing. The systemic stability of cardioenergetics is indicated by the constant energy readjustments in a system. In 1900, French physiologist Charles Richet said that "instability is the necessary condition for the stability of the organism". In other words, chaos means disease for a follower of Asclepius, but for a hygienic it is a form of dynamic health. Among the infinite patterns of snowflakes, there is no right way to be a "healthy" or "correct" snowflake. The ocean, when plowed, is not "sick". We must not waste the magic of the healing connection by using it only when we think we are ill. There is a mysterious reciprocity that operates in the relationship between illness and health and the best model of healthy balance is not a person firmly positioned on the floor but someone walking on a stretched rope, holding the balance bar and incessantly readjusting and adapting. 
  4. How do we heal?
    O Cérebro: O credo da medicina asclepiana, ou medicina orientada pelo cérebro é: “Não fique parado aí. Faça alguma coisa”. Não há melhor sistema para fazer diagnósticos mais rápidos e para a tomada de ação rápida e imediata do que a biomedicina moderna, e muitos de nós já experimentaram seu poder salvador. É um sistema ideado para localizar falha numa parte biomecânica específica e a seguir corrigir e estabilizar o problema por meios químicos ou mecânicos.  O Coração: O credo da medicina higiana, ou medicina orientada pelo coração é: “Não faça nada. Fique parado aí”. Se você tomar um monte de remédios vendidos sem receita seu resfriado provavelmente irá embora dentro de uns quatorze dias. Se você não fizer absolutamente nada e não se preocupar, seu resfriado provavelmente se dissipará em mais ou menos duas semanas. No primeiro caso, você poderá se dar conta de que o estresse excessivo fez sua imunidade baixar e que você deveria estar dedicando mais tempo de seu cotidiano a fazer o que um forte resfriado freqüentemente nos força a fazer – ficar em casa sob um cobertor bem quente, tomando canja de galinha e lendo um bom livro. Um resfriado pode ser a manifestação do corpo expressando o grito do espírito de “querer ir para casa”. O processo de curar é intensificado quando nos lembramos de que aparentemente temos um ímpeto interior para a saúde e que a maioria dos problemas se corrige se permitirmos que a natural sabedoria sanativa do corpo faça seu trabalho. A cura do coração pelo processo higiano consiste em nos conscientizarmos de onde e como em nossas vidas perdemos a conexão ou o contato com nosso estabilizador principal – o coração. A cura pelo coração exige que, como os operadores no laboratório de Princeton, permitamos que ocorra por si uma reconexão energética, em vez de tentar fazer que ela ocorra. O médico Larry Dossey fez referência ao valor daquilo que ele chama de “a grande espera”. Embora existam ocasiões em que se faz necessária uma ação urgente para salvar uma vida, tais ocasiões são raras comparadas àquelas em que “deixar-se estar” é justamente o que deve ser feito. Com tranqüilidade e um ritual despreocupado e repetitivo mais do que com ação e procedimentos imoderados, poderemos recuperar as memórias celulares deixadas por aqueles que nos antecederam. Memórias que nos ensinam a ser íntegros novamente e a fazer conexão com a energia que compartilhamos com todos os sistemas. Assim como os equilibristas que andam na corda esticada, se nos esforçarmos demais, nos preocuparmos demais e pensarmos demais, poderemos nos tornar insensíveis precisamente aos sinais que nos ajudam a nos reajustar e manter o estado de equilíbrio dinâmico, amiúde precário, mas adaptativo e mantenedor da vida. 
  5. Where are we healed?
    O Cérebro: Afastamo-nos da natureza e entramos no edifício mais moderno, tecnicamente avançado e hermético que pudermos encontrar, o qual é provido do corpo de pessoal mais inteligente, aprimorado, bem conhecido objetivo e mais bem pago da ciência de curar. Despimos nossas roupas, vestimos um manto ritualista que permite aos outros fácil acesso ao nosso corpo (especialmente por trás), deitamo-nos em uma cama alta que restringe qualquer fuga rápida, cedemos vários fluidos de nosso corpo, permitimo-nos ser objeto de estudo de sacerdotes neófitos freqüentemente extenuados pela exigência de ter de participar constantemente de uma cerimônia de trote, e entregamos nosso corpo aos sacerdotes e às donzelas asclepianas para ser restaurado. Visitas podem trazer alguns ramos de flores e traços da natureza ao templo, mas o objetivo é restringir ao máximo possível o ingresso do mundo natural e de membros carinhosos da família de maneira que a santidade, os códigos, os procedimentos, os programas, a hierarquia e a burocracia do templo de Asclépio não sejam subvertidos. Quanto mais máquinas houver e quanto mais novas forem, melhores serão nossas probabilidades de curar.  Coração: Para curar devemos encontrar um local energeticamente amistoso que nos permita estabelecer uma conexão mais intensa com os aspectos naturais de nosso viver. Além disso, devemos nos imergir na energia que emana das plantas, dos animais e das pessoas que nos amam e que estão à nossa volta. Somos parte integrante de todos eles. Um oceano ou uma floresta são bons lugares para efetuar curas, pois estão em ressonância direta com nosso centro sanativo, o coração.
  6. By whom are we healed?
    The Brain: We are separated from our family and healed by a procession of expeditious strangers who observe traces and symbolic approximations of the functioning of our body and who then prescribe the procedure to be adopted and what should be done "for us" by them or for their medicinal approaches to natural substances. If we are “compliant,” we can heal. Otherwise, the temple priests may consider us as patients who “did not respond to treatment”. The Heart: We are not healed "by" but "with". We are healed with the presence of healing hearts around us that unite with our hearts and don't just do things "to him". Research shows that the need to perform the most common surgical procedure in the United States, cesarean delivery, can be reduced by more than 50 percent when the mother has the continuous presence of a woman who provides support * during labor and parturition. Cardioenergetics suggests that we check the heart and not just the diplomas of our doctor and that we choose a clinician that our heart indicates “to have a good heart” and that emits “satisfactory healing energy”. * Named doula in the United States. (N. T)
  7. When do we know we are healed?
    The Brain: We know that we are cured when the numbers of certain machines tell us that we are “back within normal limits”, our doctor tells us that we are healed, or when our health insurance tells us that the length of stay or treatment we have right has run out. We are cured when we manage to postpone death or we are able to return to the same frantic and confused life that, after all, caused our illness. The Heart: Whether we are restored or not, we are healed when we feel whole, when others say they feel more connected to us, when something in our heart makes us feel the charm of the world again and connects us to it energetically again . We are healed when we learn to celebrate life instead of just struggling to prolong it and when we learn to become more aware of the subtle oscillating instability that lies just below what we can experience as "stable health". 
  8. How does healing occur? The Brain: Once we find the part of the mechanical system that is out of order and restore it, healing has occurred because we have recovered our “normal functioning”. Regaining health is not “vital”, energetic or spiritual. It is just a matter of restoring a biomechanical function. The Heart: Healing occurs when we again feel the flow of affectionate energy and when the subtle “V” energy of life, our ancestors, trees, birds, flowers, animals and the system of life tell us , through our cellular memories, that we open the heart enough to let the energy flow again. Healing occurs when the field of energetic intelligence that exists inside the organism exercises its intuitive powers to restore a more adaptive balance between us and our world. 
  9. O Que acontece depois que saramos?
    The Brain: After we are healed, we return to our daily work. We may be more aware of another breakdown in any organ and change some of our behaviors in order to decrease the possibility of relapse or relapse, but healing usually allows us to resume more than changing our life from before. At least temporarily, until the brain returns to its urgent pressures and forgets about our previous suffering, we can become a member of the group of healthy people who are concerned with practicing “preventive” medicine. The Heart: There is no “after” to heal, as we are constantly aware of being healthy, in good relationship with others, and sending and receiving energy from all the systems around us. Both disease and health are part of life, so that when we suffer the pain of the disease, we learn to dedicate ourselves more to a way of living according to the sanitary approach. We can also learn from other people, when they suffer, that by helping them to heal, we energize our own healing process. Instead of practicing self-directed and “preventive” medicine, we practice a more intense healing process with all systems. 
  10. What is a person who heals?
    The Brain: A person who heals is someone who has learned everything about the functioning of organic systems and for several years sacrificed much of his own mental and physical health in order to pass the examinations required to be legally declared fit to try to cure his fellow humans. and work in the healing temples. The healer is objective, emotionally distant, mechanistic, skeptical, and disbelieving of anything that cannot be seen or touched. The Heart: We are all people who heal, but some of us have a greater capacity to heal than most, because a serious illness has made them go through a transformation and, consequently, are more cardiosensitive than those who have not yet faced their own condition of mortals. Cardio-sensitive people know that solicitude in itself begins with solicitude for others and with the understanding that none of us is in fact emotionally distant or totally objective. Two criteria indicate that a person who heals is more cardiosensitive: 1) he learned something from a crisis; 2) in part, due to this crisis, she developed deep solidarity for the energy of her own heart and the hearts of others. 

Willing to Heal

The process of healing mind and body has had a significant development in welcoming, in support research and in both professional and public awareness. However, cardioenergetics recalls that biomedicine and many forms commonly called medicine of the mind and body generally understand that the “mind” is located in some region of the brain and that it is responsible for the body. They do not consider it as a union composed of brain and body coordinated by the heart and its rhythmic informational energy. For cardioenergetics, healing is less a question of the superiority of the mind over matter than using the heart to unite the rational power of the brain and the spontaneous healing powers of the body, so that the healing intuition of the Triadic Mind can perform its daily miracles. . 

We have already seen that the brain is our main health maintenance center. Research carried out in areas such as psychoneuroimmunology shows that the brain's way of thinking manifests itself directly in the way the body works and all its systems. There is no doubt that thinking more rationally about life, dealing less adversely with stress, and using visualizations, mental images and relaxation techniques to help focus and regulate the body's biomechanical systems can be extremely beneficial to health. and healing. However, without the heart, the brain resembles a unilateral vision surgeon. It represents a risk of greater disunity for us, with its narrow-minded perspective of protecting the health of your body at the expense of the overall health of the system of which it is a part, and of worrying more about not getting sick than celebrating the act of being I live to share life with others. 

There is abundant evidence to show that a moderate low-calorie, high-fat, high-fiber diet, regular exercise and stress reduction techniques can help maintain the body's health. Although many of us have responded positively to this by doing regular gymnastics or by eating mostly low-fat foods, most have become obsessive about fitness and health. Trying to avoid death instead of enjoying life, we do strict diet and gymnastics regimes that take all the pleasure out of eating and all the fun of physical fitness. We could make our attempts at a healthier way of life more efficient if we simply stopped trying to prevent a heart attack and started putting more heart - greater shared joy and less guilt - in the things we do in the hope that they will protect our health. It is absurd to almost kill ourselves in the effort to live longer. 
Source: Cell Memory - The Wisdom and Power of Heart Energy, Paul Pearsall, Ph.D., Ed. Mercuryo, 1999, São Paulo, SP. Pages: 303-312. 


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