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Coesão Criacional® Módulo II

Coesão Criacional® Módulo II

Maintain an advanced connection

Pratique a elevação multidimensional para manifestação

bem-sucedida dos desejos

Make your dreams come true through

cocriação pessoal 

Why take the course?


Two days of immersion. Experiences, practices and guided meditations. Search for self-knowledge. Practice multidimensional elevation for successful manifestation of desires. Advanced connection development with the Higher Self

Learn liberation by the 4 elements

Identify the elements that are potentially unbalanced. Learn to balance the elements, get to know yourself and break free

Completely heal your relationships

Understand your emotional limitations. Recognize affective blocks. In connection with the Creation Cohesion live in harmony with your relationships. Completely heal your past and present relationships

Advanced connection with Higher Self

Develop an advanced connection with your Higher Self through Coesão Criacional

Take an active astral journey with memory

Acknowledge and experience a memory of past lives. Access the subconscious and access memories. linked to behaviors. Free yourself from emotions that hinder your growth

Train multidimensional communication in 5D 

Improve your communication. Tune Higher vibrations and emotions. Connect to 5D energies and frequencies

"Conheci a técnica de Coesão Criacional® através da terapia individual e em cursos. Sou muita Grata a esta oportunidade, pois muitas foram as curas recebidas. Aprendi a me perdoar e a me amar como Ser Humano. Aprendi que somos todos iguais e muitas são as máscaras que vamos construindo por medo, vergonha, raiva, culpa. Gratidão Rosângela por ter me auxiliado a me redescobrir e com coragem aprender a me amar. Super indico esta terapia, pois a mim só me fez bem. Gratidão"